Thursday, January 31, 2019

"Trapped": 3D Audio Spot for Spotify Immersion Workshop (SG), 2019

Spotify offers immersive audio experiences for its clients.  To market its product and service to advertisers in Singapore, I was tasked to create a 2-3 minute script earlier this year that could help accentuate the audio benefits of 3D sound technology. Same brief as the one for KL, only a different set of clients looking forward to something different, and bigger!

Bearing in mind the time limitations, and also how sound can travel outward, inward and from left to right (and vice-versa), I wrote a script about a couple trapped in a cave. It's just one of those settings that would offer a rich source of effects to bring the technology to life.

To build a climax, I created a monster (pun intended) twist that would allow the sound engineers to play with volume, depth and distance. And end the experience with a bang. Listen to the spot here.

Source: Unsplash