Wednesday, April 20, 2022

January 2022 | Headlines for Gregory Backpacks' 45th Anniversary (Updated)

Writing head lines always sounds easy. But for writers, it’s a task more challenging than penning articles. Here's why: on top of charm, wit and the sprinkling of other ingredients that make words pop and stick, there are usually technical factors that apply and circumstances to consider in the real world.

For the 45th anniversary work I recently did for Gregory -- Samsonite's outdoor adventure backpacks -- the parameters were as follows:

  1. I was working remotely, and the visual style adopted by the team at Gregory imposed a rough word count.
  2. I was given a few requirements - being Gregory’s 45th anniversary, the number 45 was important but not 1977 because ‘Since 1977....’ was felt to create an image of agedness. 
  3. I naturally needed to be on brand in TOV.

Having said that, this is what writers do, and, indeed, what all creatives too. We play with the blocks we’ve got. (And they’re always, always different). Then we sit back, wonder for the 100th time what could’ve been done better, and then wait for the next challenge to try things out again. 

Eternally grateful to the team at Gregory, especially Douglas Goh, for the opportunity to work and play.