Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Global Insurance Gets Web Update: Chubb

Chubb is one of those international brands with a fixed tone and manner and a guide to copy length for writers. I went into this project knowing I had to write about serious (and seriously dry) stuff. And it was going to be a lot of it because this brand has endless personal and business products. But I took it on as a challenge because I have always mostly done consumer perishables, if not automobiles.

The project was a good learning experience coming off on some consumer banking work with UOB, Standard Chartered, and Citibank with the previous agencies I have been at. I definitely know a lot more about the difference between energy and environmental protection insurances now, and why they're necessary for businesses. Lawsuits are not funny. :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lone Pine Hotel Penang: Refreshed Website for a Newly Renovated Boutique Hotel

I was asked to help inject freshness into this charming little boutique hotel's website after they completed renovations back in 2012. And that's what I did.  In addition to fresh paint and the refurbishment of their rooms which had become a little tired from wear and tear, they'd also added a Japanese restaurant to their F&B options. The clients ended up tweaking some of my copy but I don't mind. At the end of the day, it's a collaboration. I'm glad they're still doing good business and looking amazing while doing so, too. The link to their website can be found here.

The delightful Lone Pine Hotel, Penang

SingPost: Revitalised for Growth (In-house Brochure)

The brief was to create a 10-page internal flip-book that would be used in a company-wide revamping exercise. SingPost was embarking on a host of changes to increase productivity and cut down wastage. The book would be used to take employees through its objectives, strategies and goals.

For this small project, I worked with one of company's staff who happened to enjoy graphic design. The theme of 'football' was chosen as the world's 'most beautiful game' aptly encapsulated the spirit of teamwork, perseverance and the embracing of change with a positive attitude. We  procured royalty-free images and also utilised photos from the SingPost's archives to create a visually dynamic yet affordable flip-book that would resonate with staff, company-wide.

The cover
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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Instant Noodles With a Taste for Adventure: KOKA Website

In 2014, Sparkle Design called me up to see if I would help create website copy for a new and revamped KOKA. The instant noodle brand, born and bred in Singapore, was about to update their packaging and introduce new variants, including a purple wheat noodle (as a healthier alternative) and several travel-inspired flavours like Chili and Lime (Thailand comes to mind) as well as Aglio Olio (Viva Italia!). This was a move clearly inspired by research findings that have revealed a sizeable segment of 18-30-year-old instant-noodle-loving youths.

I wasn't involved in the design process and I must say I wish that they'd done a better job with it. It's a very simple grid-based design and the only 'movement' or break in rigidity to its appearance is the slanted panel on which the menu sits. Everything else seems dated.

There's an attempt to looking 'youthful' and 'modern', of course, via the 'Did You Know?' segment under 'Inspiration', which features a Warholian technicolour touch. But because it seems like such an after-thought, it makes the brand seem a tad schizophrenic. Perhaps, the client is new to the idea of branding and design language. Perhaps, the agency struggled to convince them of its value. Hopefully, over time, they'll have another opportunity at giving this kooky noodle brand the visual personality it deserves.