Tuesday, May 30, 2023

LEGO: Making Surfing Safer for Kids | December 2021

Everyone loves LEGO.

Everyone remembers playing with LEGO.

Everyone probably dreams of working on, if not at, LEGO.

So I was honoured to be invited to help write for an online board-game that aimed to educate kids, through play of course, on a few safety tips when surfing and using the internet.

Like every established brand worth its salt, there is a a protocol to writing when you work on a LEGO job. I love learning on the job and it was exciting to see my words become a reality on this job. To top it off, the strategic planner and art director I worked with were friendly and open-minded. This was a really enjoyable experience even if the project was a small fraction of a larger campaign.

For context: https://www.lego.com/en-sg/sustainability/children/digital-child-safety/

For the board-game:  https://www.lego.com/en-sg/sustainability/digital-child-safety/digitally-smart-explorer-easy

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