Monday, February 22, 2021

Mock Radio Spots for Raya 2021: Spotify

I've been helping Fuse Adventures in Audio write several spots for their Spotify clients the past two years.The most recent job was to create several Hari Raya mock radio spots to market to their own roster of clients.

Of course, when approaching the task at hand, I tried to create several flavours in tone and manner -- emotive, serious, dramatic, funny.  After all they have clients ranging from F&B to Telecommunications.

Unfortunately, in mind-reading their own clients, they decided to keep within the safer range of emotive and as-a-matter-of-fact. 

Here are links to three out of the five spots that were produced. These are the less straight-up announcer-driven scripts, of course. 


'Love, Mum':

'Do More':

For an idea of sillier, more attention-grabbing scripts, check below:

Iftar: Giant(s)
'Sahur': With Parrot

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