Sunday, October 14, 2012

Confidence, Powered by Nike

Campaign: "Ripped skin" - Posters/Press
Brand: Nike Football
Client: Nike S.E.A

Problem: Nike Football was sponsoring the Malaysian Tigers, the national soccer team. This was a team long on passion, short on confidence. Stigma attached to national soccer ("They'll never play at Champion's League standard") has not been very motivating for the team. So Nike wanted a campaign that would reflect the determination of the team and get local soccer fans to root for their "own".

Solution: A print and poster (retail shops and exhibitions) became part of a larger campaign that complemented an existing TV commercial and on-ground activation event. Using bold and inspiring copy, the print work features a visual twist - key players shown with ripped skin, underneath of which lies the national team uniform. The message? It takes skills to earn the right to play for the country so the uniform, which represents capability, is very much part of their DNA.

Press/Poster #1

Press/Poster #2

Press/Poster #3

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