Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reserved for Nesvita Drinkers

Campaign: "Makeshift chairs" - Outdoor installations
Brand: Nesvita Non-Fat Milk
Client: Nestle Foods

Problem: The client wanted some out-of-the-box outdoor communications for their Nesvita low-fat milk which was targeted at female working professionals in the 25-33 age bracket. Their press ad and TV commercial were run-of-the-mill pieces that, while effective, did not reach out to the target who were fashion conscious and on the move.

Solution: To highlight the low-fat promise of the product, a series of low-weight chairs made of everyday lightweight materials were designed and place in selected clothing boutiques and cafes throughout the city - chairs made of aluminum foil, transparent plastic sheets and cardboard material, for instance. The idea was to create fashionable but delicate furniture that could support the equally delicate weight of Nesvita drinkers, thereby underscoring the weight-reducing role of the milk as part of a diet that is combined with exercise.

Installation 1: Aluminum foil chair, reserved for drinkers of Nesvita non-fat milk

Installation #2: Cardboard chair,  reserved for drinkers of Nesvita non-fat milk

Installation #3: Origami paper chair,  reserved for drinkers of Nesvita non-fat milk

Installation #4: Transparency paper chair, reserved for drinkers of Nesvita Non-Fat Milk

Installation #5: Styrofoam chair, reserved for drinkers of Nesvita Non-Fat Milk

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