Sunday, October 14, 2012

Decorate a Christmas Tree, Win a Voucher

Campaign: "Christmas Tree" - In-store Installation
Brand: Kinokuniya Christmas Contest
Client: Kinokuniya Bookstore

Problem: The client wanted a contest to run during Christmas. Participants would get a book voucher worth RM5 with every winning entry. But how do we come up with an engaging contest that would ignite the imagination of the book lover?

Solution: Give book lovers a chance to help decorate a Christmas tree even as they participated in the contest. A bare tree with bare branches was made and placed in the store. Posters inviting buyers and browsers to participate in the contest were placed throughout the store. They were asked to guess the Top 10 best-sellers of each week from the first week of November leading up to the Christmas week. Entries in the shape of Christmas robins were given out to shoppers in the store where they could list down the Top 10 and fill in their names and contact details. Accompanying posters were placed in their shopping bags too so they could find out more and participate the next time they were in the store. The tree filled up nicely in 7 weeks, and the top winners received vouchers amounting to RM15 in value.

Entry forms (or cards) in the form of robins

The tree filling up with entries

Tree with entries and instruction panel beside it

Instruction panel: A close-up

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